In this episode of the Dollars and Sense Show host Carol Topp discusses teaching your preschooler about money
Show notes:
Our motivation to be teaching kids about money:
Someone is watching! so, be a good example
Avoid boomerang kids (those who leave home, only to return, usually because of financial problems)
We are raising adults, not children
Other people’s bad examples are all around us, including the US government. Use testimonies. Listen to Dave Ramsey’s radio show for examples of financial mistakes and how to correct them.
Avoid excessive debt. College debt now exceeds credit card debt.
How to Teach
Natural style
- Deut 6:6-7enThese commandments that I give you today are to be upon your hearts. Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up.
- Stores, Eating out
Get someone else
- Sunday school
- Scouts
- Homeschool co-op
Focused teaching
- Family nights
- Games
- Book work
What to Teach: Preschool
- “Mine” (self-centerness) needs to be corrected in preschoolers
- Benign Deprivation. From John Rosemond author of The New Six Point Plan for Raising Happy, Healthy Children. “Give them all of their needs and only 25% of their wants”
- Vitamin N: Give them protection, affection and direction, but say “no” more often than “yes”
- Don’t do for children what they can do on their own.
Family Times Virtue Pack (songs, meal time cards, bedtime stories, etc) from
ABC’s of Handling Money God’s Way
Money Matters: Family Night Tool Chest by Jim Weidmann
Junior’s Adventures and more from Dave Ramsey
Books by John Rosemond
Tune in for the next Dollars and Sense show on January 16, 2014 when Carol will discuss teaching your elementary-age kids about managing money.