Starting a Homeschool Group

Checklist | Articles | Sample Documents | Helpful Blog posts | Facebook Group for Leaders | Tips for Tiny Groups

Need One-On-One Help?

As of June 1, 2022, I, Carol Topp, CPA, am semi-retired and will no longer be offering one-on-one consultations. Instead, I offer you a selection of carefully selected, qualified, highly experienced homeschool consultants all who have led (or are still leading) homeschool nonprofit organizations!

I have 100% confidence in these fabulous, knowledgeable, and skilled individuals. If they have a question or need clarification on an issue, they will reach out to me.
Recommended Homeschool Group Consultants

Becky Abrams

Becky Abrams is a homeschool leader in Oregon (Pacific time). She has extensive experience in starting homeschool groups, especially nonprofit hybrid homeschool programs and offers consultations.

Doreen Browning

Doreen Browning has extensive experience in both homeschool and non homeschool nonprofits and can help you understand this strange new world! 

Rebecca Foley

Rebecca Foley knows all about hybrid homeschool groups, from crafting a vision to finding a building and hiring teachers. Her expertise is a great resource for all hybrid groups.

Sarah McCubbins

Sarah McCubbin offers helpful, encouraging articles, resources and consultations to help you run your group! She also knows a lot about setting goals, organizing, and running a homeschool group without burning out!

Ashley Richards

Ashley Richards leads a Catholic, all-volunteer homeschool co-op in Indiana. She offers consultations to leaders that want to discuss Classical, Catholic homeschooling. Ask her about getting a co-op organized and using systems to help keep you sane!

Anna Clark, owner of 501c.Solutions is a former homeschool leader and an expert in helping nonprofits start up and apply for 501c3 tax exempt status.

Recent Blog Posts

Reduced price on Board Training Video Set

I have decided to permanently drop the cost of the Homeschool Board Training video set usually sells for $40 to be reduced to $25! Many homeschool leaders have never served on a nonprofit board before, and there is a need to train board members. Reducing the cost is one way to encourage homeschool leaders to…

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Handouts for Fundamentals of Financial Management for Homeschool Groups

Slide Handout for Part One covering funding sources, budgeting and financial reports Slide Handout for Part Two covering money tips, fraud and annual reports to IRS and state Recommended reading Money Management in a Homeschool Organization by Carol Topp, CPA Rethinking Sustainability: A Strategic Financial Model for Christian Schools by Dr Alan Pue

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Homeschool Group FAQ

Should my homeschool group be a for-profit or non-profit?

There are many reasons why homeschool groups form and operate as nonprofit organizations rather than businesses.
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Tiny groups are more informal, some don’t collect any money and most don’t have a formal board like a typical nonprofit homeschool group. Learn More

What do I need to know about starting a tiny homeschool group?

In this short podcast episode (12 minutes) Carol Topp, CPA explains the benefits of forming your homeschool group as a nonprofit corporation and why a leader would want limited liability protection. Listen to the Podcast

Should my homeschool group incorporate as a non-profit?

What does it take to be a nonprofit?

You might be surprised at how simple it is to form a nonprofit organization. Here’s what it takes

How to self declare 501c tax exempt status? It involves calling the IRS.

Your homeschool group may be able to “self-declare” 501c tax exempt status and not officially apply. Here’s what to do

FAQ on IRS Form 990-N ePostcard for small nonprofits.

The IRS Form 990-N is a simple, online form that all nonprofit tax exempt organizations with annual gross revenues of less than $50,000 must file every year. Read Instructions

Is my homeschool group a school?

Some homeschool groups look a lot like schools. They offer a full curriculum, there are teachers teaching classes, they rent space to conduct the classes, etc. But are they “schools?” See Answer

FAQ on Property Tax for Churches Hosting Homeschool Programs

Churches may be at risk for having their property tax exemption affected if they host a business. Read the FAQ

Should I pay teachers as employees?

I state pretty clearly in my book Paying Workers in a Homeschool Organization  that teachers in a homeschool program should be treated as employees not Independent Contractors.

Here’s why. Read Full Article