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Paying Workers in a Homeschool Organization (3rd edition) ebook.

I hope it will be very helpful to you in managing and planning your homeschool group.

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How to get your ebook:

  1. Click the link below to download your ebook. You will need Adobe Reader. If you do not have Adobe Reader, it is available for a free download here
  2. Save the file (a pdf file) onto your computer so that you may read it at a later time. It is a large file (21 MB) and may take a few minutes to download.
  3. You may print out the entire book (131 pages) and store it in a binder or you can simply print out the chapters helpful to you. The book is formatted in  6″ x 9″. For printing , you may wish to print 2 pages per sheet in landscape orientation.

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This ebook has a copyright. You are not allowed to reproduce it except for one copy for your personal use. If you have a friend or fellow homeschool parent that could benefit from this information, they must purchase their own copy.

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Carol Topp, CPA