Category Volunteers

Ten Ways to Torture a Tired Leader

My friends Kristen and Denise of Homeschool Group Leader have a sense of humor. You have to be able to laugh at human weaknesses if you are a homeschool leader. Here are their 10 Ways to Torture a Tired Leader:…

What's a volunteer worth?

Volunteers are worth their weight in gold. Most homeschool organizations are run completely by volunteers who are doing a wonderful service to their community and other homeschooling families. What’s a volunteer worth? Priceless? Independent Sector, a coalition of nonprofits,  calculates…

Rewarding volunteers in your homeschool organization

HomeschoolCPA has been getting quite a few questions via e-mail lately…here’s one I thought I’d share with you having to do with rewarding volunteers. Carol, Thank you for your web site. It is a great resource for homeschool groups. I’m…