Homeschool Organization Board Manual
This is a real life conversation:
HomeschoolCPA: Do you have a copy of your EIN letter from the IRS?
Homeschool Leader: No. It was gotten by a former treasurer 15 years ago. All I have is the number handwritten on a sheet of paper from the bank.
HomeschoolCPA: Do you have a copy of your Articles of Incorporation filed in your state?
Homeschool Leader: No; I don’t think so.
HomeschoolCPA: Has your homeschool group ever applied for tax exempt status with the IRS?
Homeschool Leader: I have no idea! All I was given when I took over leadership was the checkbook. 🙁
This is a sad, but true reality. Sometimes current group leaders have none of the important paperwork for their organizations.

Homeschool board members should keep all their organization’s important papers in a safe and accessible place. Usually, a 3-ring binder works well.

Author and homeschool advisor, Carol Topp, CPA, has created a Homeschool Organization Board Manual. It is a template to create a board member binder. It has:
- A list of important documents to keep in your binder
- Section dividers so you can organize the important papers
- Tools to help you run your meetings smoothly including
- A sample agenda that you can use over and over again
- A calendar of board meetings
But this is more than just a few cover sheets for your binder. It is also a 55-page board training manual with helpful articles on:
- Suggested Board Meeting Topic List
- Board Duties
- Job Descriptions for Board of Directors
- What Belongs in the Bylaws?
- Compensation and Benefits for Board Members
- Best Financial Practices Checklist
- How to Read and Understand Financial Statements
- Developing a Child Protection Policy

The Homeschool Organization Board Manual comes as a Word file to make it easy for you to customize it for your organization.
The manual (a 55 page digital file) costs $9.95, That’s a little pricey for an electronic book, but you only purchase one copy for your organization.

You are allowed to print off copies of the Manual for all of your board members, but please do not share the original Word file with them. And do not share the original Word file with other people, email it or post it on the internet. TIA!
Carol Topp, CPA