To save you money, I will review IRS Forms that you prepare yourself. I will review your IRS forms and offer my opinion and advice in writing or by phone.
Review Self-Prepared IRS Form 1023 Application for 501c3 Tax Exempt Status
- IRS Form 1023 Application for 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status for large organizations
- IRS Form 1023-EZ Application for 501(c)(3) Tax Exempt Status for small organizations
My fee: $100/per hour. Typical time 2-6 hours. Typical cost: $150-300. Time: 1-2 weeks.
I will request the IRS Form 1023 (including attachments) as well as your source documents such as financial statements, spreadsheets, bylaws, Articles of Incorporation, etc.
Contact HomeschoolCPA, Carol Topp, CPA, to arrange for this service.