What is a homeschool group before they apply for tax exempt status? Are they a business?
A homeschool parent is advised to incorporate herself to write off homeschool expenses. Is that possible?
Homeschool leader Sarah Andrews claims that my book Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out helped reduce her workload!
Where to find a sample teacher agreement for a homeschool co-op
A homeschool parents asks how she can redeem her Box Tops.
The IRS states that 501c7 Social clubs can self declare their tax exempt status.
A parent asks if a homeschool booster club for sports can become a 501c3 organization.
A homeschool co-op leader struggles with getting curriculum returned to the group.
A teacher has been asked to teach homeschooled children and asks about her taxes.
A homeschool leader is concerned that allowing frequent turnover of her board will result in a change of the group's purpose.