As of July 1, 2022 HomeschoolCPA no longer offers services to help homeschool organizations apply for tax exempt status. Instead I recommend one of my qualified and trained Homeschool Consultants or these products below.
Is my organization eligible to file the shorter Form 1023-EZ?
Create a Nonprofit for Your Homeschool Community
Forming a nonprofit organization
501c3 Status using Form 1023-EZ
Apply for 501c3 status yourselves!
IRS and state filings for nonprofits
Stay tax exempt!
Do you also prepare 1023 for school booster organizations?
No, sorry I do not prepare the Form 1023 Application for 501(c)(3) tax exempt status for school booster organizations. i recommend you consult ParentBoosterUSA. They have wonderful resources.
At this time I am focusing my nonprofit services to work with homeschool organizations and local (Cincinnati) charities with whom I feel an affinity.
If you are not a homeschool organization or a local Cincinnati nonprofit, I encourage you to seek help from a local CPA firm that specializes in nonprofit organizations.
I listened to your podcast on offering scholarships. Our homeschool class community recently received our 501c3 status. There is some language in the form about scholarships that our treasurer is concerned about.
Are we able to freely offer discounts to needy families?
Thank you,
Dot O’Farrell
Dot, Maybe. It depends on what your stated purpose is in your Articles of Incorporation and in your 501c3 application to the IRS.
I cannot tell from what you have told me.