IRS concerns: what happens if you compensate homeschool board members?
Sometimes a homeschool group would like to reward hard-working board members
Is it OK to compensate your board members?
Sometimes a homeschool group would like to reward hard-working board members
Is it OK to compensate your board members?
Carol, I am wondering how homeschool co-op tutors or teachers can present copyrighted material. For example, if a teacher is sharing information from a particular curriculum for her group’s use isn’t she sharing materials that don’t belong to her for…
EIN for new nonprofit board member?
What business structure and tax forms are needed for a new homeschool co-op?
Most homeschool support groups can be considered 501(c)(7) Social Clubs. Why is that important?
I have decided to permanently drop the cost of the Homeschool Board Training video set usually sells for $40 to be reduced to $25! Many homeschool leaders have never served on a nonprofit board before, and there is a need…
Do homeschool nonprofit organizations need director and officer insurance?
Slide Handout for Part One covering funding sources, budgeting and financial reports Slide Handout for Part Two covering money tips, fraud and annual reports to IRS and state Recommended reading Money Management in a Homeschool Organization by Carol Topp, CPA…
We are working on our guidelines for members that coordinate our events. Could you please recommend the best way for us to handle the finances for these events?For example, someone plans a Craft Day, purchases items for the event and…
I have been invited by the Herzog Foundation (who promote Christian education in all its forms, private, micro, homeschooling) to give two virtual training sessions on Financial Stewardship for Homeschool Organizations I feel like I am shoving 20+ years of…