Background checks for homeschool organizations
Companies that do background checks for homeschool organizations
Companies that do background checks for homeschool organizations
This manual is a customizable template for you to create your own board member manuals.
How to change the responsible party's name on your EIN.
I am very appreciative of the freedom we have in the USA to homeschool our children.
In this short podcast Carol Topp CPA explains tax ID numbers and the various state agencies that may assign tax numbers.
A homeschool group incorrectly tells the IRS they are a private foundation.
Your homeschool support group is probably a social club in the eyes of the IRS. Social clubs can get automatic tax exempt status without applying, but they must maintain that tax-free status.
A homeschool treasurer asks if there is a limit to how much money can be in their checking account.
Is it a good idea to start a homeschool co-op with a friend?
How a homeschool group can "self declare" its tax exempt status.