What does the IRS mean by not allowing “private benefit” in a fund raiser?
Waht does the IRS mean by not allowing "private benefit" in a fund raiser?
Waht does the IRS mean by not allowing "private benefit" in a fund raiser?
Should your homeschool group be a 501c7 social club?
Small homeschool groups receives official IRS letter without 501c3 status
Homeschool groups may risk losing IRS tax exempt status.
Homeschool organizations may be affected by IRS audits of independent contractors.
Can you open a bank account for your family homeschool like it is a business?
The IRS determined that a teacher in a homeschool program should be reclassified as an employee.
A homeschool group in MO is applying for 501c3 tax exempt status and had a question. Hello Carol I am working with Crossroads Christian Connection in MO. We need to complete our 1023 (Note: He means IRS Form 1023 Application…
I started my website HomeschoolCPA to help homeschool organizations, but sometimes the lines between a family homeschool and a homeschool organization get a little fuzzy. Here’s one example of the new and creative ways the people are homeschooling today.…
Payroll forms for a homeschool co-op