Category Paying workers

Penalties for failing to file 1099-NEC

I learned of a former Classical Conversations (CC) Director that left CC and started a nonprofit homeschool group in spring 2021. She forgot to file Form 1099-NEC for her 6 CC tutors that she paid in early 2021. The Form…

Employee compensation in a homeschool group

Becky Abrams is a homeschool consultant and Executive Director of Arrows Christian Academy, a homeschool hybrid in Oregon explains her employee’s wages in a blog post titled “Paying Workers: Employee Compensation.” I think it will be helpful for those of…

Can a homeschool co-op board also be paid teachers?

I have a question about the conflict of interest issue. Three ladies and I would like to incorporate to teach classes together and form a homeschool co-op. If we are the three board members, then does that mean we can…