How to self declare tax exempt status

How a homeschool nonprofit can self declare tax exempt status.
How a homeschool nonprofit can self declare tax exempt status.
Avoid inurement (giving benefits or the assets that belongs to the nonprofit) to any insiders (those who exercise control over the organization).
Carol Topp, CPA helps you know what it takes to be compliant in your state and with the IRS.
Frequently asked questions about a business using a church and property tax
The IRS is looking at nonprofit organizations who convert from for-profit businesses and misclassify workers.
A homeschool support group leader asks what tax form she should file.
Here are the top tax mistakes homeschool for-profit directors and owners make.
There's a new tax deduction for business owners in 2018!
The ebook Taxes for CC Licensed Directors is now available
The tuition and fees are required, so can they be considered a business expense?