Why Do Volunteers Quit?

Beth Mora offers tips on understanding why volunteers quit your homeschool group
Beth Mora offers tips on understanding why volunteers quit your homeschool group
Companies that do background checks for homeschool organizations
Ways to thank your volunteers that are tax-free.
Here is a round up of the top 10 most important blog posts from HomeschoolCPA in 2016.
Many of them have to do with paying workers in a homeschool organization
Your homeschool organization can pay a volunteer, but the pay must be reported to the IRS.
A homeschool leader is given a check to pay her way to a homeschool convention. Is it taxable income?
How a homeschool organization can prevent embezzlement
A homeschool co-op lets their teachers keep unspent class fees. Is this legal?
How to pay your homeschool graduation speaker.
A homeschool co-op leader wishes to pay a volunteer for her extraordinary efforts. Can a super volunteer be paid?