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In consequat, quam id sodales hendrerit, eros mi lacinia risus neque tristique augueproin tempus urna congue elementum.
What to read
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Tips for starting a homeschool co-op (video)
Ever thought about starting a homeschool co-ops? Here's a video clip from my recent presentation of Homeschool Co-ops Are Like Marriage: Know What You're Getting Into!
5 advantages of homeschool co-ops
Video clip on 5 Advantages of Homeschool Co-ops from Homeschool Co-ops Are Like Marriage: Know What You're Getting Into given at the Midwest Great Homeschool Convention in 2014.
Practical helps for leaders from HSLDA
Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) has a new spot on their website for homeschool leaders.
Are you burned out? Know the symptoms.
Are you burned out? Know the symptoms
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