Get your Homeschool Board Training videos. Sale ends March 31

In the month of March 2023 the Board Training for Homeschool Groups video set is on sale for $25 (usually $40)!

This is to celebrate our Facebook group I am a Homeschool Group Leader surpassing 3,000 members!

Many homeschool leaders have never served on a nonprofit board before, so we saw the need to train board members.

We cover a lot in these videos including:

  • Nonprofit Characteristics
  • Board Composition (who is on the board?)
  • Board Structure (roles, titles, committees, paid staff, etc)
  • Board Duties (what doe the board members do?)
  • Board Meetings: How to stay on track
  • Board Personalities

BONUS: In addition to the three videos (each is about 40-50 minutes long), we includ a copy of the ebook Homeschool Board Member Manual.

ANOTHER BONUS: We want all board members trained, so you can share the link to the videos and slides with your CURRENT board members.

For more details visit: Homeschool Board Training video set

So don’t delay. Purchase your set by March 31, 2023, and get it all for $25 instead of the usual $40.

Carol Topp, CPA

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