How can we change the contact name on our EIN?

How to change the responsible party's name on your EIN.
How to change the responsible party's name on your EIN.
I am very appreciative of the freedom we have in the USA to homeschool our children.
A homeschool group incorrectly tells the IRS they are a private foundation.
Your homeschool support group is probably a social club in the eyes of the IRS. Social clubs can get automatic tax exempt status without applying, but they must maintain that tax-free status.
A homeschool treasurer asks if there is a limit to how much money can be in their checking account.
Is it a good idea to start a homeschool co-op with a friend?
How a homeschool group can "self declare" its tax exempt status.
Hiring employees can seem like a taunting task.
n this short podcast, Carol Topp, CPA, the HomeschoolCPA, tells you how to self declare tax exempt status, keep all of your surplus for your group and not pay the IRS.
A few tasks that homeschool leaders should do this summer to make the fall much easier!