Converting from a homeschool support group to a full service nonprofit organizaton

The story of a small homeschool support group that grew into a full-fledged nonprofit organization
The story of a small homeschool support group that grew into a full-fledged nonprofit organization
Homeschool leader learns how to use the tax exempt status of another group.
Fiscal sponsorship is a great idea and something your homeschool group should consider.
Several homeschool organizations were granted 501(c)(3) tax exempt status by the IRS
Carol Topp, CPA the author of Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out covers more tips to starting a homeschool co-op in her podcast.
A Classical Conversations director wants nonprofit status for her CC Community.
This podcast episode covers tips to starting a homeschool co-op.
A homeschool group wants to be a nonprofit corporation. Do they need to reapply for 501c3 status?
Having a good, strong independent contractor agreement for your homeschool organizations is important.
A discussion on using PayPal to collect fees in a homeschool group.