Tag homeschool
Are You Burning Out?
Bank account for your family homeschool
Homeschooling Other People’s Children. Is It Legal?
Update on teachers as independent contractors
Is it a homeschool co-op or Mary Poppins?
I started my website HomeschoolCPA to help homeschool organizations, but sometimes the lines between a family homeschool and a homeschool organization get a little fuzzy. Here’s one example of the new and creative ways the people are homeschooling today.…
W-2s and tax filings for homeschool co-op teachers
Update on the IRS and Booster Club Fundraising
I mentioned in a previous post that three booster clubs in KY were being fined by the IRS for their fund raising practices. The issue was that the booster club was giving parents credit for their fund raising efforts. The…
Insurance for a homeschool sports program
Does your homeschool sports group need insurance? A homeschool leader in Indiana shares information on her insurance company. Dear Carol, I heard you speak at the Cincinnati Homeschool Convention and it was VERY helpful. At the end, I mentioned that…
Homeschool group avoids IRS tax notices
A homeschool group in Georgia asked for my help because they had been getting letters from the IRS about back taxes. We are in dire need of your help. Our homeschool group has received notices from the IRS saying that…