Calendar of Board Topics for Homeschool Groups

A list of topics for your board to discuss each month.
A list of topics for your board to discuss each month.
A homeschool leader is given thousands of dollars in gift cards and free tuition each year. Are these gifts or taxable compensation?
Wisdom and advice from experienced homeschool parents on the latest episode of the Dollars and Sense Show with Carol Topp
You'll find a collection of links on the Help for Homeschool Leaders board on Pinterest.
Does your homeschool group suffer from a dominate leader? She may have founders syndrome.
How to change the name of the responsible party on your nonprofit's EIN.
There was a discussion on the Facebook group I Am a Homeschool Group Leader on co-op drop outs. Lots of leaders shared advice.
Current homeschool moms can learn a lot of us graduated homeschool moms if you ask!
Homeschool leader Sarah Andrews claims that my book Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them, Run Them and Not Burn Out helped reduce her workload!
A homeschool leader asks if group leaders need to be elected or appointed.