Is a homeschool support group automatically tax exempt?
Most homeschool support groups can be considered 501(c)(7) Social Clubs. Why is that important?
Most homeschool support groups can be considered 501(c)(7) Social Clubs. Why is that important?
Most homeschool co-ops are public benefit organizations because they serve a public good (i.e. education of children) and are not mutual benefit organizations.
How a homeschool nonprofit can self declare tax exempt status.
A homeschool support group leader asks what tax form she should file.
On the I Am a Homeschool Group Leader Facebook page, a lot of discussion happened around the topic of being an inclusive group (open at all) or exclusive group (limiting membership). Several homeschool leaders contributed the reasons for their group’s…
Your homeschool support group is probably a social club in the eyes of the IRS. Social clubs can get automatic tax exempt status without applying, but they must maintain that tax-free status.
The story of a small homeschool support group that grew into a full-fledged nonprofit organization
What is your homeschool group, a co-op, a support group, or something else?
A homeschool support group leader read that her group cannot have a Statement of Faith or be religious. Is this correct?
Carol Topp, the Homeschool CPA, explains tax exempt status for homeschool support groups in her latest podcast episode.