1099-NEC replaces 1099-MISC for most homeschool groups
The IRS has introduced a new form called the 1099-NEC (for Non Employee Compensation), that will replace the Form 1099-MISC for most homeschool groups and homeschool businesses like Classical Conversation Directors. The 1099-NEC is the form your homeschool group must…
Are hired homeschool teachers household employees?
Hello Carol! I graduated from college in May and am currently working on my masters degree in Elementary Education. A friend put me in contact with one of her family friends for a job opportunity as a homeschool teacher while…
Homeschool mom has concerns about Classical Conversations
I’ve written several blog posts answering questions from Classical Conversations (CC) Directors regarding: Taxes for CC Directors and tutors Using church space Paying tutors as Independent Contractors or employees and more Usually these issues affect CC Directors the most since…
What do the Duties of Care and Loyalty look like?
HomeschoolCPA Carol Topp frequently mentions that homeschool leaders have a duty of care and loyalty to their groups. What does a duty of care look like? How does a leader know know if she is being loyal? This is the…
Can a homeschool group be charitable? Maybe not!
Mindset for Homeschool Leaders
HomeschoolCPA, Carol Topp spoke to a group of homeschool group leaders in Texas about a good mindset and attitudes that are necessary for leading a homeschool group. In this episode Carol reminds leaders of three things they may have forgotten:…
Has your homeschool group registered with your state’s Attorney General?
A homeschool group in Illinois formed in 2020. They filed paperwork with the Illinois Secretary of State to form a nonprofit corporation, got an EIN (Employer identification Number) from the IRS to open a checking account, and started running their…
My Homeschool Group is an Unincorporated Association. What Does That Even Mean?
Carol, My homeschool group has been around for 20 years. I was told that we are an “unincorporated association.” What does that mean? -Lisa Lisa, You ask an excellent question. I’m going to share a reply from an attorney Stephen…
Does a homeschool support group have to apply for IRS tax exempt status?
Our homeschool group was founded a few years ago with the mission of providing support for local homeschoolers. Since then the membership and monies have grown that we needed to establish a bank account. The bank informed me that our…