Money & Budgets, PodcastMoney Tips for Homeschool Leaders: Don’t Ignore Your Balance SheetDo you know what a Balance Sheet is?Carol Topp02/08/2018
IRS IssuesHow to Find a Local Tax ProfessionalTips on how to find a local tax professionalCarol Topp02/02/2018
Money & Budgets, PodcastHow to Read a Financial Statement for Your Homeschool GroupWhen your homeschool treasurer hands you a financial statement, do you know what you're looking at? Carol Topp02/01/2018
501(c)(3) status, IRS Issues, Money & BudgetsSponsoring a football program under your homeschool groupAdding a football program to your homeschool group does not mean it is a separate legal identity. It can be one of the programs you operate as the main group.Carol Topp01/30/2018
Co-ops, PodcastPainless Homeschool Class RegistrationThe Hub makes homeschool registration painless! Carol Topp01/25/2018
501(c)(3) status, IRS IssuesAdding a football program to a homeschool organizationA homeschool group has been asked to add a football program. There are several things to consider.Carol Topp01/23/2018
Money & Budgets, PodcastAccounting Software for Homeschool GroupsDoes your homeschool group use software to manage it's finances? Carol Topp01/18/2018
Money & BudgetsDo I give a 1099-MISC to a place we rented?A social club wonders who they have to give a 1099-MISC to. Carol Topp01/16/2018
Money & Budgets, PodcastWhy Your Homeschool Group Needs to Do a Bank ReconciliationIs your homeschool group reconciling your bank account every month? You should be!Carol Topp01/11/2018
IRS Issues, Nonprofit statusPaypal sent homeschool leader a 1099-K. Is it taxable income to her?A homeschool leader has a tax mess when Payal thinks she made $40,000! Carol Topp01/09/2018