Can a homeschool co-op have independent contractors and follow the IRS guidelines?
Can a homeschool co-op pay teachers as Independent Contractors and be in accordance with the IRS rules?
Can a homeschool co-op pay teachers as Independent Contractors and be in accordance with the IRS rules?
What do children really want for Christmas? It's not more toys (although they think that!)
A church wants the homeschool co-op to call their rent payment a donation. Is that correct?
What I saw and experienced on a trip to Israel.
The IRS is making some changes to their application for tax exempt status, the Form 1023-EZ. What are the changes and how will they affect homeschool groups?
A church worries that letting a classical homeschool program use their building threatens its property tax exemption.
Carol Topp, CPA, the HomeschoolCPA shares short podcast episodes for homeschool leaders
Did you know that HomeschoolCPA has a podcast? It’s a weekly podcast just for homeschool group leaders. I call it the HomeschoolCPA podcast. Each episode is short, usually 10-15 minutes on a topic that is relevant to you as…
Treasurer embezzles over $10,000 from a homeschool group. What were the warning signs?
What can you do to protect your homeschool group's leaders?