What Homeschool Leaders Don’t Know About Non Profit Status
What does it take to be a nonprofit? Only two things!
What does it take to be a nonprofit? Only two things!
I have spoken to several Classical Conversations (CC) Directors lately who tell me that they gave themselves a 1099-MISC to report what they paid themselves.
In 2016 I took a break from podcasting, but now I’m back with a different format. The podcast will be focused on helping homeschool leaders and businesses run their programs legally and successfully. The podcast episodes will be shorter–15…
Is your homeschool program running an unlicensed daycare? Check your state laws.
A homeschool co-op teacher asks where she reports her income from teaching.
Are educational classes like violin lessons and ballet classes tax deductions?
Are homeschool co-op fees tax deductible as childcare expenses?
April 15 was a little late for a Classical Conversations Director to ask if she needed to file any forms with the IRS!
There are several penalties from the IRS and other agencies for misclassifying a worker as an independent contractor
A free webinar on business failure in the Homeschool Marketplace for customers, teachers, homeschool co-ops and business owners.