Are Classical Conversations tutors employees or independent contractors?
The question of whether CC tutors are independent contractors or employees is not cut and dried but HomeschoolCPA can help.
The question of whether CC tutors are independent contractors or employees is not cut and dried but HomeschoolCPA can help.
Here is a round up of the top 10 most important blog posts from HomeschoolCPA in 2016.
Many of them have to do with paying workers in a homeschool organization
A homeschool leader asks how to account for accumulated money on a financial statement
Carol, My homeschool group (a 501c3 nonprofit) was donated $500 in science equipment. How to I record a gift like this in my record keeping? We use QuickBooks. How wonderful to receive such a generous donation. As a 501(c)(3)…
Read the exceptions to the new overtime rules for nonprofits.
Did you know that having a donation button on your website could mean that your organization would need to register as a charity in almost all 50 states?
A homeschool leader wonders what financial statements she should be reviewing each month.
This is a great opportunity for a homeschooling parent with an accounting background. It's flexible, home-based and very rewarding!
How much you can control an independent contractor is a very difficult question to answer
Homeschool leaders will know if they are paying their volunteers, board members and workers legally and correctly.