Can a homeschool group pay a volunteer?
Your homeschool organization can pay a volunteer, but the pay must be reported to the IRS.
Your homeschool organization can pay a volunteer, but the pay must be reported to the IRS.
A homeschool leader is given a check to pay her way to a homeschool convention. Is it taxable income?
Is shared teaching still homeschooling or is it a micro school?
Free or reduced tuition may be taxable compensation to your board members.
IRS Form w-9 should be collected from every independent contractor paid by your homeschool organization.
Your nonprofit organization may need to close an old EIN. Here's how.
Nonprofit organizations still have to pay payroll taxes
Most homeschool groups that use volunteer parents and vary the classes offered each year do not fit this IRS definition of a school.
Does applying for 501c3 status mean government intervention into homeschooling?
How a homeschool organization can prevent embezzlement