Things to Know Before You Sign an Independent Contractor Agreement
Here's a great list of things to consider including in your IC agreements.
Here's a great list of things to consider including in your IC agreements.
Is a hired director an employee of contractor of a homeschool band?
Checklist for Homeschool Organizations Applying for Tax Exempt Status.
What are the tax liabilities of a homeschool group giving scholarships?
A student group wants a homeschool group to sponsor their fundraising efforts.
How can a homeschool group add a religious purpose to their founding documents if it was not there originally?
Dear readers, I will not be able to reply to your emails or posts here as quickly as I would like. I need to take a week or two off of work to help my 25 year old daughter…
IRS lowers fees on Form 1023-EZ
A homeschool group can gather without needing to file reports with the IRS, but they will be limited.
Some non-profit organizations have reported trouble trying to file the 990-N ePostcard using the new IRS system.