Co-opsHow do you find a location for your homeschool co-op?Homeschool leaders share a list of places where homeschool co-ops meet. Carol Topp05/30/2014
Boards, Nonprofit statusShould my homeschool nonprofit corporation have members?Be careful about what you are agreeing to when you check the box stating your nonprofit homeschool corporation has members.Carol Topp05/23/20142 Comments
Nonprofit status, Tax exempt status revokedIRS Proposes Form 1023-EZThe IRS is proposing a Form 1023-EZ to make applying for tax exempt status a bit easier.Carol Topp05/20/20142 Comments
UncategorizedHappy 10th Birthday HomeschoolCPA!My service to homeschool leaders as the Homeschool CPA began 10 years ago.Carol Topp05/09/2014
IRS Issues, Nonprofit status, Tax exempt status revokedStreamlined tax exempt reinstatement in picturesThe IRS "streamlined" process to get tax exempt status reinstated explained in a flowchart and pictures.Carol Topp05/05/2014
Co-ops, IRS Issues, Nonprofit statusTax exemption for homeschool group switched by the IRSA homeschool group applies for one tax exempt status and the IRS switches them to another.Carol Topp04/02/2014
Money & BudgetsMoney, Taxes and the Homeschool FamilyMy latest article "Money, Taxes and the Homeschool Family" is in this month's edition of The Old Schoolhouse magazine.Carol Topp03/13/2014
Nonprofit statusVideo: Nonprofit status for homeschool groupsI created a short video explaining nonprofit status for homeschool groups. I compare nonprofit status to being married!Carol Topp03/07/2014
IRS Issues, Nonprofit statusVideo: Annual IRS fiings for homeschool organizationsA short video explaining the annual IRS filings Form 990 for homeschool organizations. Carol Topp02/28/20141 Comment
PodcastAny tax breaks for homeschoolers? Dollars and Sense Show #11Any tax breaks for homeschoolers? Carol Topp, the Homeschool CPA, discusses taxes and homeschooling on the Dollars and Sense Show podcastCarol Topp02/27/2014