Tips on filing the IRS Form 1023
HomeschoolCPA offers some tips on filing the IRS Form 1023 Application for 501c3 Tax Exempt Status
HomeschoolCPA offers some tips on filing the IRS Form 1023 Application for 501c3 Tax Exempt Status
The IRS would like all nonprofit including homeschool support groups to be filing the Form 990N postcard.
The IRS states that 501c7 Social clubs can self declare their tax exempt status.
A parent asks if a homeschool booster club for sports can become a 501c3 organization.
A homeschool leader asks if group leaders need to be elected or appointed.
A homeschool co-op leader struggles with getting curriculum returned to the group.
A homeschool co-op leader asks if forming an LLC or a nonprofit corporation would be better.
A homeschool leader asks if there need to be a limit to how many times that person can serve on a homeschool group's board.
A teacher has been asked to teach homeschooled children and asks about her taxes.
A homeschool leader is concerned that allowing frequent turnover of her board will result in a change of the group's purpose.