Serving on a nonprofit board: What is required?
What are the duties of a nonprofit board member?
What are the duties of a nonprofit board member?
Homeschool groups should not call a fee discount a scholarship.
I am confused by a few statements in your book Paying Workers in a Homeschool Organization. You say that a volunteer who receives tuition discounts and gift cards would have to report the income for tax purposes, but she would…
Can a homeschool parent take the Educators Expense deduction?
I know there have been some recent changes to classification and in most cases paid teachers in a homeschool group should be classified as employees. What if parents pay the teachers directly? Is that allowed? Is it a good practice?…
Shelly wants to offer a high quality, low cost homeschool program that doesn't require parents to volunteer.
Are homeschool co-op fees tax deductible?
I am planning to start a homeschool nature-based co-op, where the parents will stay on-site, and we will meet 1-2 days per week. I believe we would be a for-profit organization. Is there some reason to choose non-profit status versus…
I found this helpful website that explains the test that each state in the US uses to classify workers as employees for Independent Contractors. This is important for homeschool groups that hire and pay workers, especially teachers or tutors, to…
I subscribe to a lot of e-newsletters and a really good one is Free Church Accounting. Vicki Boatright has helpful bookkeeping advice for churches and nonprofits like homeschool groups! Her latest article is about classifying workers as employees or Independent…