A nonprofit board cannot vote themselves benefits, so what can they do?
Carol Topp, the HomeschoolCPA, will explain what government agencies you need to notify when you change your address or change leaders.
This short podcast episode (17 minutes) from Carol Topp, the HomeschoolCPA, will discuss what important topics your board should discuss every year.
This short podcast episode (10 minutes) from Carol Topp, the HomeschoolCPA, will discuss how using a meeting agenda will keep your homeschool board on track
This short podcast episode (15 minutes) from Carol Topp, the HomeschoolCPA, will discuss what important papers need to be in your board binder.
This manual is a customizable template for you to create your own board member manuals.
A few tasks that homeschool leaders should do this summer to make the fall much easier!
A homeschool leader wonders what financial statements she should be reviewing each month.
Homeschool leaders will know if they are paying their volunteers, board members and workers legally and correctly.
Free or reduced tuition may be taxable compensation to your board members.