We Changed Leaders: Who Do We Notify?

Carol Topp, the HomeschoolCPA, will explain what government agencies you need to notify when you change your address or change leaders.


Have you changed leaders in your homeschool organization?

In this short podcast episode (12 minutes)  Carol Topp, the HomeschoolCPA, will  explain what government agencies you need to notify when you change your address or change leaders. She explains the forms and organizations you need to notify.


In the podcast, Carol mentioned a board manual temple for your homeschool group

Homeschool board  members should keep all their organization’s important papers in a safe and accessible place. Usually, a 3-ring binder works well.

Author and homeschool advisor, Carol Topp, CPA, has created a Homeschool Organization Board Manual. It is a template to create a board member binder. It has:

  • A list of important documents to keep in your binder
  • Section dividers so you can organize the important papers
  • Tools to help you run your meetings smoothly including
  • A sample agenda that you can use over and over again
  • A calendar of board meetings







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