A church wants the homeschool co-op to call their rent payment a donation. Is that correct?
The IRS is making some changes to their application for tax exempt status, the Form 1023-EZ. What are the changes and how will they affect homeschool groups?
A very frustrated homeschool leader just wants to open a checking account and runs into problems at her bank and with the IRS.
Carol Topp, CPA answers questions from homeschool leaders about self-declaring tax exempt status for your homeschool support group.
A homeschool group incorrectly tells the IRS they are a private foundation.
Your homeschool support group is probably a social club in the eyes of the IRS. Social clubs can get automatic tax exempt status without applying, but they must maintain that tax-free status.
How a homeschool group can "self declare" its tax exempt status.
Carol Topp, CPA the HomeschoolCPA has a few idea to help the IRS decrease erroneous automatic revocations.
Ways to thank your volunteers that are tax-free.
A podcast episode that explains the difference and why it matters how you classify your homeschool group's workers.