Congratulations to Hartsville Home Educators of South Carolina on recieving 501(c)(3) tax exempt status for the IRS!!
Should your homeschool group be an LLC? Limited liability status for homeschool organizations.
Does a nonprofit need to file any tax returns before they apply for tax exempt status? IRS requirements before you receive tax exempt status
A homeschool support group leader wonders if her group is doing everything legally.
The homeschool co-op decided to apply for tax exempt status with the IRS on their own. But unfortunately they ran into some snags.
My article "Are support groups automatically tax exempt?" discusses the difference between homeschool co-ops and support groups in the eyes of the IRS and the benefits of being a support group!
Can we accept donations from Paypal and Google checkout?
Two homeschool organizations received IRS 501(c)(3) tax exempt status!
Homeschool support groups and the IRS
Should your homeschool group be a 501c7 social club?