Congratulations: Another homeschool group receives 501c3 status

Congratulations to Eclectic Teaching Consortium (ETC) of Arkansas on receiving 501(c)(3) tax exempt status form the IRS!

The IRS received approved their application in only 32 days!  That’s fast for the IRS!

I was happy to help this group become tax exempt and continue serving homeschoolers in AR!


Carol Topp, CPA


Do you know the pros and cons of 501c3 status?

Do you know what 501c3 status could mean for your homeschool group?

My book The IRS and Your Homeschool Organization could help your group as well.

A 120 page book explaining the pros and cons of tax exempt 501c3 status. Is it needed? Is it worth it?


Table of Contents
Sample pages

Price: $9.95


Ebook version $3.99 (pdf format)

Kindle version $3.99

Smashwords version $3.99 (multiple e-reader formats for Kindle, Nook, Sony, etc)

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