Does applying for 501c3 status mean government intervention into homeschooling?
How can a homeschool group add a religious purpose to their founding documents if it was not there originally?
501c3 groups serve a public good but can they limit membership to their group?
Homeschool organizations cannot accept tax deductible donations until they have 501c3 tax exempt status.
Homeschool leader learns how to use the tax exempt status of another group.
Fiscal sponsorship is a great idea and something your homeschool group should consider.
A Classical Conversations director wants nonprofit status for her CC Community.
A homeschool group wants to be a nonprofit corporation. Do they need to reapply for 501c3 status?
A homeschool support group leader read that her group cannot have a Statement of Faith or be religious. Is this correct?
A homeschool leader wonders if her homeschool co-op can be defined as a "school."