A homeschool teacher asks, "Can I work off my co-op fees by teaching a class?" (the answer is no)
Does getting an EIN mean you must file a return with the IRS?
A tutored hired to teach a homeschooled student wonders if she is am employee of the family who hired her.
A homeschool co-op leader wishes to pay a volunteer for her extraordinary efforts. Can a super volunteer be paid?
A homeschool leader wonders what to call a co-op teacher who is not hired by the co-op.
A homeschool co-op teacher asks how she should report the money she earned this year.
Unfortunately for the teachers you pay in your homeschool group, you cannot simply net what they owe you with what you owe them.
Where to find a sample teacher agreement for a homeschool co-op
A parent asks if a homeschool booster club for sports can become a 501c3 organization.
The Department of Labor is considering requiring businesses (and that would include nonprofits) to give every Independent contractor a "Right to Know" document explaining why they are not classified as employees.