Search Results for volunteer
How can I thank my volunteers?
Can a homeschool group pay a volunteer?
Homeschool co-op has a super volunteer. Can she be paid?
How to thank a volunteer
What's a volunteer worth?
Volunteers are worth their weight in gold. Most homeschool organizations are run completely by volunteers who are doing a wonderful service to their community and other homeschooling families. What’s a volunteer worth? Priceless? Independent Sector, a coalition of nonprofits, calculates…
Rewarding volunteers in your homeschool organization
HomeschoolCPA has been getting quite a few questions via e-mail lately…here’s one I thought I’d share with you having to do with rewarding volunteers. Carol, Thank you for your web site. It is a great resource for homeschool groups. I’m…
IRS concerns: what happens if you compensate homeschool board members?
Financial Practices virtual session for homeschool leaders. Register today.
I have been invited by the Herzog Foundation to give two virtual training sessions on Financial Stewardship for Homeschool Organizations It’s free. The Foundation’s goal is to provide training to homeschool group leaders free of charge, you just have to…
Financial guidelines for large and small homeschool events
We are working on our guidelines for members that coordinate our events. Could you please recommend the best way for us to handle the finances for these events?For example, someone plans a Craft Day, purchases items for the event and…