Is your homeschool program running a daycare?

Is your homeschool program running an unlicensed daycare? Check your state laws.
Is your homeschool program running an unlicensed daycare? Check your state laws.
A homeschool co-op teacher asks where she reports her income from teaching.
Are homeschool co-op fees tax deductible as childcare expenses?
Here is a round up of the top 10 most important blog posts from HomeschoolCPA in 2016.
Many of them have to do with paying workers in a homeschool organization
Is shared teaching still homeschooling or is it a micro school?
Free or reduced tuition may be taxable compensation to your board members.
Does applying for 501c3 status mean government intervention into homeschooling?
Checklist for Homeschool Organizations Applying for Tax Exempt Status.
What are the tax liabilities of a homeschool group giving scholarships?
Several homeschool leaders have learned that the way that their homeschool groups are compensating the teachers jeopardizes the property tax exemption of their host churches.