Taxes and your homeschool expenses

Homeschool expenses are personal expenses and not tax deductions on the federal income tax return.
Homeschool expenses are personal expenses and not tax deductions on the federal income tax return.
Hard working volunteers in a homeschool organization, who get a discount on tuition, could have to report and pay taxes on their "compensation."
A homeschool co-op lets their teachers keep unspent class fees. Is this legal?
Homeschool organizations cannot accept tax deductible donations until they have 501c3 tax exempt status.
Carol Topp shares insights on leadership from Hebrews Chapter 13 with a group of homeschool leaders
What should a homeschool group do when given a donation?
Carol Topp addresses a group of homeschool leaders to remind them not to try and meet everyone's expectations.
Blog roundup in insurance for homeschool groups
A blog roundup on checking accounts for homeschool organizations
Steps to create a budget by using last year's actual spending.