Co-ops, Support group? How to define homeschool organizations

What is your homeschool group, a co-op, a support group, or something else?
What is your homeschool group, a co-op, a support group, or something else?
A homeschool support group leader read that her group cannot have a Statement of Faith or be religious. Is this correct?
A homeschool leader wonders if her homeschool co-op can be defined as a "school."
Homeschool leader cannot find her group in the IRS database of exempt organizations.
Carol Topp, the Homeschool CPA, explains tax exempt status for homeschool support groups in her latest podcast episode.
Tips on bylaws for nonprofit homeschool organizations
Fund raisers may be subject to IRS taxes.
Homeschool mom has an idea for a homeschool enrichment program.
A homeschool leader has questions about insurance and fundraising for one of her teams.
How to pay your homeschool graduation speaker.