A podcast episode that explains the difference and why it matters how you classify your homeschool group's workers.
Tips for homeschool tutors on their status as an employee or independent contractor.
There are several penalties from the IRS and other agencies for misclassifying a worker as an independent contractor
A free webinar on business failure in the Homeschool Marketplace for customers, teachers, homeschool co-ops and business owners.
Here is a round up of the top 10 most important blog posts from HomeschoolCPA in 2016.
Many of them have to do with paying workers in a homeschool organization
How much you can control an independent contractor is a very difficult question to answer
IRS Form w-9 should be collected from every independent contractor paid by your homeschool organization.
Here's a great list of things to consider including in your IC agreements.
Is a hired director an employee of contractor of a homeschool band?
Can a homeschool organization offset a teacher's pay by giving her discount for her child to attend classes?