FAQ on Property Tax for Churches Hosting Homeschool Programs

Frequently asked questions about a business using a church and property tax
Frequently asked questions about a business using a church and property tax
The IRS is looking at nonprofit organizations who convert from for-profit businesses and misclassify workers.
A homeschool support group leader asks what tax form she should file.
Here are the top tax mistakes homeschool for-profit directors and owners make.
There's a new tax deduction for business owners in 2018!
A homeschool business owner asks, "Why do I have to claim all of the money even though I don’t keep it?"
A homeschool group doesn't want tax exempt status.
The IRS determinations on worker status is based on common law, not scientific facts.
Does a nonprofit need to file a tax return before they receive tax exempt status? Yes, the IRS requires organizations to file information returns before they apply for tax exempt status. Here’s what the IRS website states: Tax Law…
Some homeschool groups are very small and are not interested in the benefits of 501 c3 tax exempt status such as accepting donations or doing fundraising. Do these small homeschool groups really need 501c3 tax exempt status? No. They…