Hi Carol, I just discovered your great website.
I pay several people for private instruction for my child: violin lessons by a private teacher, gymnastics, ballet in a nonprofit ballet school.
Can I send a 1099-MISC to any of these people or organizations?
I’d like to keep my tax liability as low as possible.
Thanks for any guidance you can provide.
The Form 1099-MISC is to be given to a person who provide services to your trade or business. You do not give 1099-MISC to people you hire for your personal expenses (violin lessons for your children, etc).
Here’s what the IRS website says:
- Report payments made in the course of a trade or business to a person who is not an employee or to an unincorporated business. (my emphasis added)
- Report payments of $10 or more in gross royalties or $600 or more in rents or compensation. Report payment information to the IRS and the person or business that received the payment.
Your personal expenses (violin lessons, gymnastics, ballet) are not tax deductible expenses.
I hope that helps,