Leader burn out can be a serious detriment to a homeschool group’s success. No one can continue leading if she is exhausted by excessive demands on her time and energy. Too often a homeschool support group or co-op will fall apart without its leader. Avoiding burn out may be the most important topic facing homeschool co-op leaders today.
Sometimes we do not recognize the symptoms of burn out because our everyday lives are very full. In addition to raising our children, running a home, maintaining our marriages, and serving God and our communities, homeschool leaders take on additional responsibilities. It is no wonder that leaders resign complaining of fatigue, depression and frustration.
Common symptoms of burn out include:
- Loss of interest, vision or enthusiasm
- Neglect of your own children and their homeschool time.
- Increased complaints from your husband or children
- Frustration and feelings of failure
- Depression or constant negative feelings
- Moodiness, irritability or increased worry
- Health problems such as insomnia, headaches, frequent colds, physical exhaustion
- Declining performance
It is important to distinguish between temporary “busy-ness” or fatigue and full fledged burn out, which is accumulated strain and stress that affects other areas of your life. After nearly every co-op day, I feel exhausted. One fellow board member takes a nap after co-op, but she is only temporarily fatigued. We joke that we love when co-op starts, but we also love when it ends!
A symptom of burn out would be the loss of the initial enjoyment and anticipation that co-op day should bring. I know that I am tired at the end of a long co-op day because I have invested so much into my students. I really enjoy teaching and I experience a “good” type of fatigue.

Need help avoiding burnout? Read Homeschool Co-ops: How to Start Them , Run Them and Not Burn Out. Available as an ebook or in print here.
Carol Topp, CPA