Tax breaks for education in some states
Some states offer tax breaks for homeschoool expenses
Some states offer tax breaks for homeschoool expenses
There is a new website for filing the IRS ePostcard, Form 990-N
Homeschool expenses are personal expenses and not tax deductions on the federal income tax return.
Hard working volunteers in a homeschool organization, who get a discount on tuition, could have to report and pay taxes on their "compensation."
The IRS offers several exceptions to Unrelated Business Income Tax
A homeschool co-op lets their teachers keep unspent class fees. Is this legal?
Dear friends, clients, and visitors, I thank you all for your patience and your prayers for me during my surgery and recuperation. The surgery went well and the surgeons are pleased. If you’re curious what I had done, read moreā¦
Homeschool organizations cannot accept tax deductible donations until they have 501c3 tax exempt status.
Carol Topp shares insights on leadership from Hebrews Chapter 13 with a group of homeschool leaders
What should a homeschool group do when given a donation?