Homeschool business owners can learn how to prepare their tax returns
A new Classical Conversations Director asks how to report her income and expenses on her tax return.
Helping homeschool leaders know what to do if their organization has lost its tax exempt status.
A report that the IRS requires from all tax exempt organizations--including your group! It's called the Form 990.
I have spoken to several Classical Conversations (CC) Directors lately who tell me that they gave themselves a 1099-MISC to report what they paid themselves.
Are homeschool co-op fees tax deductible as childcare expenses?
Most homeschool groups that use volunteer parents and vary the classes offered each year do not fit this IRS definition of a school.
Does applying for 501c3 status mean government intervention into homeschooling?
IRS lowers fees on Form 1023-EZ
A homeschool group can gather without needing to file reports with the IRS, but they will be limited.