Helping homeschool leaders know what to do if their organization has lost its tax exempt status.
A report that the IRS requires from all tax exempt organizations--including your group! It's called the Form 990.
I have spoken to several Classical Conversations (CC) Directors lately who tell me that they gave themselves a 1099-MISC to report what they paid themselves.
Are homeschool co-op fees tax deductible as childcare expenses?
Most homeschool groups that use volunteer parents and vary the classes offered each year do not fit this IRS definition of a school.
Does applying for 501c3 status mean government intervention into homeschooling?
IRS lowers fees on Form 1023-EZ
A homeschool group can gather without needing to file reports with the IRS, but they will be limited.
A fundraiser can bring in so much income that it can jeopardize your 501c7 status because the fundraiser income exceeds 35% of total income.
There is a new website for filing the IRS ePostcard, Form 990-N