How can you ask a member to leave your homeschool group?

A homeschool leader gets advice on how to dismiss a member.
Hey Carol,
We do not have anything in our by-laws or policies about dealing with a mom in the group whom the board feels must be asked to leave.


I have steps in place for dealing with students, but had never even considered an issue with a mom in the group.


Joy  from Florida
At a homeschool convention this summer, Attorney TJ  Schmidt from HSLDA recommend all organizations have in their bylaws a sentence that states something about membership in the organization can be terminated at any time and without cause.


He then advised that if you do terminate a membership, that you NOT give a reason (i.e. cause).  Giving a reason can open up the leadership to headaches, liability, and arguments.


I agree completely with Mr Schmidt. If your board decides to ask this member to leave, then do not discuss the reason why with your other members or get in a discussion with the offender about her behavior. Certainly, the board can discuss the “why” but that should not be made public.

I know it is tempting to defend yourself, but just say

“We’ve been advised to not discuss publicly sensitive matters such as these. It was a board decision.”

I think that a statement such as “membership in the organization can be terminated at any time by decision of the board and without cause” should be on the registration form that the members sign as well as the bylaws (because the members don’t usually read the bylaws).

I hope that helps!

Carol Topp, CPA



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