I have found the IRS Streamlined Application for 501c3 status, Form 1023-EZ, a wonderful, fast way to get tax exempt status for hundreds of homeschool groups and other nonprofits. But, the Form 1023-EZ has its problems and critiques. One critique is that the IRS does not ask to see a nonprofit’s founding documents (Articles of Incorporation or bylaws).
According to a a 2019 report from the Taxpayer Advocate Service, this has resulted in 46% of groups approved through the Form 1023-EZ didn’t actually qualify for 501(c)(3) status!
That may be changing as this article mentions. The IRS may begin requiring founding documents to be attached when filing the Form 1023-EZ.
If your homeschool group wants to apply for 501c3 tax exempt status, I encourage your to have one of HomeschoolCPA’s Recommended Consultants look over your founding documents so your application goes through the IRS quickly and painlessly! http://HomeschoolCPA.com/Consultants.
Or if you prefer DIY, this webinar on the Form 1023-EZ will be a big help. HomeschoolCPA.com/501c3APP

Carol Topp, CPA
Carol Topp, CPA